My Gestural Listbox in WPF Wearing Windows Phone 7 Clothes

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 / Posted by Luke Puplett /

Here's a dire quality video of a control that I hope to find time to blog about in the coming weeks. It's inspiration is obvious, it's execution was tough. Involved crash-learning Newtonian mechanics, solving equations and a bit of calculus.

Essentially, its a smart scrollviewer, so it can house all manner of controls; indeed I've uploaded one of a large image being panned with flicks and drags.

If enough people are interesed, I'll put the control up on CodePlex.

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Anonymous on Thursday, June 03, 2010

Hi, this is a nice example. Also can be used horizontal? please share your control with me., please. thanks!

Comment by Luke Puplett on Monday, June 07, 2010

Hello - I've written this to work both ways. I'm currently using it in a Windows Phone 7 Series-style control with 4 verticals inside a horizontal. I plan to write about the whole thing and put it on Codeplex, as soon as I get a free evening. Thanks for your interest.

Lastly, if you can, edit your comment and add [nospam] to your email address else you'll probably start getting crap from the annoying spambots!

Comment by Unknown on Wednesday, August 11, 2010

looks great, i would be interessted in the code and how you managed it

Comment by The ZZ on Thursday, February 02, 2012

Very interesting, please, put the code on codeplex!

Comment by TSeanF on Sunday, March 11, 2012

Any luck getting this on Codeplex?

Comment by Luke Puplett on Monday, March 12, 2012

Not yet - I've been snowed for months, personally and work-wise. Sorry?!

Comment by Unknown on Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Please put your awesome gesture scroll viewer on codeplex! It's so hard to fine tune the physics as well as you have done.

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